samedi 2 juillet 2011

before travel, packing

some days i pack easly, never when i travel to madagascar with a mixt project :
one week of holidays, far away from all, wit no computer, just life... and two weeks for teaching, dance worshops, yoga worshops. with Gaby, the malagasy choreographer who invite me, we also gonna perform Lucy together, as a duet. it will be the first lucy's duet.
my suit case is closed. too much things i know it. i took lots of clothes with the idear of giving them to sone friends or people i will meet. it is always welcomme and appreciate.
i want to push myself to draw more there. and to yoga more, and so many littles things , i wil say, walks...just this land with this empty time, free time, simple time.
what i know : madagascar is always surprising and unespected.
here are a few pages of number 3...

1 commentaire:

Janet a dit…

I always enjoy seeing your journal pages.

And when I travel I take too much with me every time. Have a good trip.