vendredi 18 juin 2010

soon, the travel

i am just counting days before the next trip to india
10 more days, very busy but it is so exiting to think of india
it will be inspiring and a good intropection time.
practising yoga full! here my practise is low, but regular. i am more on meditation, less into asanas.
today i started to glue my doodling's paper! a good start and i am still on the process

3 commentaires:

Rebecca Anthony a dit…

Oh I hope you have a wonderful trip to India. I have to say that my one trip to India was the most incredible experience of my life. I feel like the women decorate that country. The silk fabrics that drape them and the beautiful bangles that fill their arms............all that against the dusty roads is the most beautiful contrast. I how I would love to go back again one day! Have fun I am following you now(O: I will have to experience it through you this time. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments.

Anonyme a dit…

How wonderful that you'll be back in India so soon! I can feel your excitement and joy at returning. I look forward to your wonderful photographs.

Planète a dit…

Quelle magnifique voyage en perspective, quelle richesse pour l'âme et pour le coeur ! Bon voyage lilasvb