vendredi 18 décembre 2009

first step for a red dress

yesterday it was my first step of the little red dresse project. i mean, on stage, with an audience watching the work. hard work, sad work but true, so true that it did affect people, they were sad, angry, quiet... it depends for each one.
all of the draw, painted red dresses were put on a laundray line on stage cutting space.
finally i wear a white dress and the stage's light turn into red.
the dress was an homemade dress from drean! i don't think after she could wear it again! a stage's dress is hard to wear after!
may be i will show a bit of video, for now, the flyer
thanks for my team, they did a good job for support me!
hier première étape de restitution de la petite robe rouge. sur scène, avec un public sur scène, concentré, ému, touché.
ce travail est dur, triste, percutant. il fait mal parce qu'il tape dans le silence.le silence en mur, en dur.
tous les dessins, croquis des petites robes rouges étaient suspendus sur une corde à linge, en milieu de scène. les dessins ont touchés autant que la danse, que les mots.
en fait , j'ai mis une robe blanche parce que le canapé était rouge et ma robe devenait rouge grâce aux éclairages.
en attendant les images, voici le flyer
merci à mon équipe qui a bien soutenu ce travail si dur

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Congratulations for getting your show on stage! I can't imagine the amount of work it must take to get this far in your project! Well done.

Jasmine a dit…

Thank you for our visit and leaving a kind comment. I see you are familiar with some same blogs as me, Mother Henna and Kota? I hope all is well in your world? And if not, I send you hugs and healing thoughts xx